Kaja Avbersek & Darja Osojnik:

Kaja Avbersek & Darja Osojnik:

»Hen – a fat bird that does not fly by day. At dusk it even gets blind! But the night has its own magic and our hen flies awaaay in an explosion of light! (Well, at least that's what it thinks, let's leave it at that …)«


Shine*n*fly, the hennish light swing that comes to life only at dusk, but it is kind to the curious by day as well.


KAJA AVBERSEK (1983) is a comic artist, illustrator and designer, finishing her post-graduate studies at ALUO. Her Zapiski in zariski z Azorskih otokov was published by the Portugese publishing house Texto Editores. She's collaborated with the Portuguese puppet theatre 'Lua Cheia - teatro para todos' and the director Peter Kus with his play The Lost Tone and the trilogy Singing Castle (original instruments assembly manual in the comics form, exhibition, play) as the author of the visual imagery. She's created the animations for the Pojoči grad play, where she has also performed. She's a member of the editorial board at the magazine Stripburger and its regular contributor. She has received several awards for her work.


DARJA OSOJNIK (1988) is finishing the study of industrial design at ALUO and also attended the Swedish faculty HDK. She has won the first prize at the international contest of Gorenje Simplicity with her Deterball container. She's dedicated to projects from the field of industrial design and other fields of artistic expression.


(until Saturday, June 16th, 2012, 21.30-1.00)








Lighting Guerrilla

Movement, Ljubljana – various locations, May 17th – June 16th 2012

KajA Avberšek & Darja Osojnik (SI): Shine*n*fly

Thursday, May 17th, at 21.30, Trg francoske revolucije, Ljubljana