                Gadenne: Delci sveta
Bertrand Gadenne: Delci

The series of video installations Fragments of the World show animals captured in the urban world created by men. Each one of these animals provokes discomfort in the passer-by and stimulates reflections about the contemporary society, our attitudes towards other living creatures and the life around us. The artist has been developing these dramatic narratives about animal captivity for more than a decade.


Bertrand Gadenne (born in 1951, France) took his education in sculpting, but he is primarily known as a video artist. Heretofore, Fragments of the World were placed in most various surroundings, e.g. in Berlin, Digne-Les-Bains, Centre for Contemporary Art in Pontmain, etc. Three monographs were published about his work: Résonances (with texts by Hélene Portiglia, Catherine Delvigne, Stéphanie Deschamps and Bertrand Gadenne; Musée des Beaux-Arts–Arras, France, 2006); Bertrand Gadenne (edition with DVD including 13 documentary films, and texts by Jean Attali, Jean-Marc Huitorel, Alain Chareyre-Méjan etc., Anthese, France, 2001); Le temps suspendu (with texts by Régis Durand, Musée-Château, Annecy, France, 1993).


He has been exhibiting his works in numerous galleries, museums and centres for contemporary art. In Ljubljana we will present his works at three different locations (Vžigalica Gallery, IRIU-Resljeva Road, and Entry Lodge-Metelkova Street).


Until Saturday, 29 June 2013.

Co-produced by Vžigalica Gallery-Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana; IRIU.

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2010 2009