Moritz Wehrmann: Alter Ego
Moritz Wehrmann: Alter Ego
Match Gallery, Ljubljana
23. May – 18. June 2022
interactive light installation
Alter Ego requires two people who observe one another through a transparent screen, made with the help of special mirrors and equipped with stroboscopic lights. Final impact of self-observation is the fusion of images of both faces: their physiognomies merge and become one while at the same time creating an unusual, alienating feeling. The piece simultaneously evokes a feeling of losing one’s self, one’s identity, of isolation but also profound empathy for the Other. The artist developed the project together with Prof. Alain Berthoz, and initially it was conceived as a medical accessory to aid in fundamental neuro-physiological research of patients, diagnosed with for example schizophrenia, autism or Parkinson’s disease.
MORITZ WEHRMANN (1980) is a new-media artists and researcher. He graduated in New Media and Design Studies at the Bauhaus University in Weimar and at the College of Fine Arts in Sydney, Australia. As an artist he’s interested in creating visual and spatial entities, which give the visitor access into an (un)known world with the help of various experimental or mechanical tools. He works in the fields of video, photography and new media but in this context he often includes researching sound and smells. As a researcher he’s currently based at the Bauhaus University in Weimar; in the past he also collaborated with the Humboldt University in Berlin.