Tajda Novšak: Living Materials
Tajda Novšak: Living Materials
light installation
Salendrova Street
In terms of content, Tajda Novšak’s project originates in equating physical and psychic processes – the author’s work is based on the understanding of psychological processes that define an individual’s personality and their behavioural patters as a kind of matter that can be treated in the same way as physical elements. Thus, she created an interactive spatial structure that, upon the perception of the viewer, triggers various lighting effects. It is a kind of parable of an individual’s mental and spiritual structure that starts breathing before the viewer’s eyes: an inorganic construction covered with textile membranes therefore illustrates the spatial web of our psyche, where even the smallest trigger may cause true emotional chaos or enlightening. According to the author, awareness of our psychological baggage that each of us carries by ourselves and that can be (re)shaped, helps us resolve our own fears and improve communication, and above all, it can improve our quality of life.
TAJDA NOVŠAK (1994) completed her master’s degree in sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana (ALOU) in 2021. During her studies, in addition to exhibiting her artworks in several galleries around her homeland, she also participated in film projects at Utopia film, where she created props and scenographies. In 2017, she and the sculptor Miha Satler erected a public sculpture in front of the Celje – Centre High School under the supervision of the artist Franc Purg. In 2019, she received the ALUO award for the project entitled Fenced Personal Space – Opinion of the Others. She is a part of the team Artopolis that strives to establish art market in Slovenia.
electronics and programming: Matic Šubelj