Vollrad Kutscher: Shining role models
light installation
1st June – 17th June 2017
Cukrarna palace
OPENING: Thursday, 1st June, at 21.30
This installation by the German artist Vollrad Kutscher came to be as a result of the artist’s searching for a modern and innovative form of portrait. To achieve his goals, the artist went for the so called luminogram: portraits projected on the wall are made using negatives on glass plates and halogen lights, thusly creating radically realist images by means of light and shadow. The artist has portrayed a series of individuals whose scientific achievement have heavily characterized the history of electricity and development of artificial light(ing). This gallery of portraits serves as an excellent light monument dedicated to historical figures whose work represents an outstanding contribution to modern science and technology.
VOLLRAD KUTSCHER (1945, Braunschweig, Germany) deals mostly with light in his works. He’s realized a hefty number of installations, performances and permanent lighting installations in the public space. He’s finished his studies in the beginning of the 70’s at the High School of Arts in Mainz, and then worked as a freelance artist for several years. Since the 80’s he’s worked as an educator at different schools and academies in his homeland, while also being active as a curator. His works can be found in many important collections of modern art. Helives and works in Frankfurt.