Tina Drčar: Captured Reality
Tina Drčar: Captured Reality
lighting installation
Tromostovje, Novi square, River Captains Harbor (under the Prulski bridge), Early Christian Centre (Erjavčeva st. 15)
24th May–19th June 2021
Captured Reality is the latest project by Tina Drčar who is exhibiting spider nets in four locations of the city center. These grotesquely enlarged nets that are made of threads, cords, ribbons and synthetic materials and illuminated with UV light illustrate the current reality, our collective captivity in time and space. Different shapes of nets suggest different forms of social bonds but also stand as symbols for our own integration into our own net(work)s that are thus a source of our strength. According to Drčar, her project aims to draw attention to the importance of freedom today, to its fragility, captivity and elusiveness.
TINA DRČAR, self-employed in culture, graduated from the High School of Drawing and Painting in Ljubljana in 2004. Her works are usually visible in the murals in Metelkova city where she keeps a studio. Apart from painting, she is also interested in other techniques and media: she makes mosaics, posters, objects and light installations, creates theatre scenography and mentors different visual workshops. She has contributed to many different exhibition events by Metelkova artists and had a series of solo exhibitions home and abroad too. Her work is often featured in the Lighting Guerrilla festival (Upside Down Sea, Immortal Jellyfish, Ronin etc.).
DAILY: 21.30–23.30
coproducer: MGML